Completing a Performance Review: Phase 1 — Setting Objectives

Phase 1 of performance reviews through Knit involves 2 Steps:

  1. Employees setting up and submitting their own objectives to work towards, based on the guidelines provided by the Administrator
  2. Reviewers and/or Managers reviewing the objectives set by employee, and approving them, or having the employee edit the objectives after in-person feedback

For Employees

If you have received an invitation to a Performance Review, you will have to log into your Knit account, and follow these steps before the allotted deadline:

  1. Start by navigating to the PERFORMANCE menu, and selecting the review that requires action:
  2. Once you select the review, you will see guidelines set by your HR Manager for this review. Read the guidelines and click "Next" — you can always access these guidelines again later if you need a reminder.
  3. You will see a set of Objectives, as well as guidelines on how those Objectives will be weighed, and a description of each Objective. Click the Edit button to start filling these out:
  4. Write out your Objective and click "Save" (you can come back and edit this later if needed!)
  5. Once you have finished filling out your Objectives, click the "Submit Objectives" button. This will notify your Manager/Reviewer, and they will be able to approve your Objectives.
  6. If your Manager/Reviewer has feedback about the objectives you've submitted, they can discuss it with you in person. You will still be able to make changes to the Objectives, up until the point when your Reviewer approves them.
  7. Once the Objectives have been approved by the Reviewer, you should work towards them — no more additional changes will be possible after approval.


For Reviewers and/or Managers

If you manage employees on Knit, and/or have been assigned to be a Reviewer on the platform, you will be tasked with reviewing and approving the Objectives each employee has set for themselves during Phase 1.

  1. Once an employee that you're reviewing has submitted their objectives, you will get a notification.
  2. Go to the PERFORMANCE menu, make sure you have the "Team" tab selected, and click on the employee that requires action:
  3. In the employee's profile, click into each Objective to see what they have set out to achieve for this period:
  4. You will not be able to edit these Objectives, but the employee that you are reviewing will. If you have feedback or want to suggest changes, please communicate with your team member personally. They will be able to make the suggested changes in the system themselves.
  5. Once you have looked through the Objectives, given feedback, and are happy with what's been set out, click "Approve Objectives" and the review will be under way.

    WARNING!!! = Once you click "Approve Objectives", Knit's system prevents either the employee or anyone else from making changes to the objectives. Please be absolutely sure that these are the right objectives before approving.


Next Steps

Once objectives are approved, the Performance Review is under way. You don't have to do anything until the next period deadline comes up. Once that time comes, read about Phase 2 and the following Phases here: Phase 2 and Above — Evaluation.

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