Employment Insurance Maximum Rates for 2023

The Canada Employment Insurance Commission announced the following rates for 2023:

  • Maximum insurable earnings will increase from $60,300 to $61,500
  • EI premium rate will increase from 1.58% to 1.63% outside of Quebec
  • In Quebec, the EI premium rate will increase from 1.20% to 1.27%.

End of Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits

Effective September 25, 2022
, the temporary changes to the Employment Insurance (EI) program to help Canadians access benefits during COVID-19 will no longer be in effect. As a result:

  • Actual regional unemployment rates will be used instead of the minimum rate of 13.1% that has been used since September 2020. The unemployment rate is used to calculate the maximum EI benefits duration.
  • Employees will need between 420 and 700 of insurable hours to qualify for EI benefits as opposed to the 420 insurable hours.
  • A new earnings threshold will be used for self-employed workers and fishers.

More details are available here.

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