Quebec obligation to implement interim occupational health and safety plan

As of April 6, 2022, amendments made under Québec’s Act to Modernize the Occupational Health and Safety Regime obliges employers to adopt an interim plan on prevention and participation mechanisms. 

Establishments with 20 or more workers must:

  • Record the identification and analysis of risks that may affect workers’ health and safety;
  • Once identified, analyze the risks to prioritize them;
  • Establish a health and safety committee, and
  • Designate at least one health and safety representative.

Establishments with fewer than 20 workers must:

  • Record the identification of risks that may affect workers’ health and their safety, and
  • Designate a liaison officer.

Interim plan documentation must be available for consultation at all times by the members of the health and safety committee, the health and safety representative, and the designated liaison officer, and must also be made available to workers upon request.

The interim plan requirements will remain in force until the adoption of the Regulation Respecting Prevention Mechanisms, which is expected to be no later than October 6, 2025.

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