Access your Custom Field Settings
To access and manage your custom fields, open Settings > Custom Fields. This is where you create new custom fields, manage permissions, and control archived or active fields.
(Note: Once a custom field is created, it can only be archived and it cannot be deleted or modified. As an administrator you will always have access to this data, but when archived it will no longer be available to the rest of your employees.)
Creating a Custom Field
- Settings > Custom Fields and select Add new custom field
- In the Field Name field, type a name for the custom field
- In the Field Type drop-down menu, select one of the following options from the list:
- Text
- Number
- Date
- List
(Note: When selecting the list field type, you will be prompted to add list options. Once the custom field is saved, the list items may only be archived - not deleted, similar to the field itself
- From the Department drop-down menu, select the department(s) you would like this custom field to apply to. If you would like this custom field to appear on on all your employee profiles, select "All"
- Select if you would like this field to be included in employee onboarding and if you would like to be mandatory
- Knit gives full control to the administrator to control who has access to any custom field. You can choose give no access, view only or view & edit capability to each access level
Viewing Custom Fields in Employee Profiles
Custom Fields will appear in your employee's Personal Info under the Additional Information section in their employee profile. Please note that the field value can be modified but the custom field settings cannot