Organizing Team by Departments

In order to organize your team by departments, you will first need to create them.


  1. Click the Company tab
  2. Click on the Departments tab along the top
  3. On the right-hand side, click on Add Department
  4. In the display box, enter the name of the department you want to create and click Save
  5. Employees can now be organized by Department by assigning Employees to their departments
  6. Click on the People tab, then select the employee
  7. Click on the Employment tab along the top
  8. In the Job Details section, click on the green pencil icon to edit the information
  9. Use the drop-down menu in the Department field to select the department you would like this employee assigned to
  10. Click Save Changes
  11. Repeat these steps until all of your Departments have been created and all of your team has been assigned to a department


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