Organizational Structure: Setting Up Employee Direct Reports

Knit gives you the option to track your organizational structure by setting up which manager each employee directly reports to.

While this field is optional in the system, we highly recommend that you assign a direct manager to each employee (even if it's just the owner of the company). This field will affect other functions that you may wish to use, such as Administrative Access and Knit's Performance Review module.

Before you start assigning direct reports, first make sure that you have the right employees set up as Managers — our Guide on Setting Up, Adding and Removing Managers explains how to do this.

(NOTE: If everyone at your company directly reports to the company owner/employer, you can skip the above step, as Master Admins are always also set as Managers.)

You can set who your employees report to in two ways: 1) Directly through their profile; OR 2) Using the Mass Changes module if you're making a lot of changes/assignments at once.


Setting Up Direct Reports Through Employee Profiles

  1. Access the employee profile you want to edit by going to the PEOPLE menu --> EMPLOYEES tab, and selecting the Employee profile you wish to edit.
  2. In the employee's profile, select the EMPLOYMENT tab, and click the green icon next to "Job Details."
  3. In the pop-up menu, choose the "Report To" dropdown, select the person you want to designate as this employee's Manager, and click Save to approve the changes.

  4. That's it — your new direct report settings will now be updated!

Setting Up Direct Reports Using Mass Changes

If you are making a lot of changes to your direct reports, you will save a lot of time using Knit's mass changes feature. Here's how to do this:

  1. Navigate to the PEOPLE menu --> EMPLOYEES tab, and click the Mass Changes button.
  2. From the Mass Changes view, make sure you have the "Employment" tab selected.
  3. Make any changes to direct reports from the "Report To" dropdown menus on the righthand column.
  4. Once you are happy with your new reporting structure, simply click "Save Changes" and the employee information will be updated!


(To learn more about how to use the Mass Changes feature, check out our Guide on Mass Changes here.)





If you have any additional questions or need assistance, please contact us at, or during standard business hours at +1 (877) 763-8808

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