- An employee can request Paid Time Off by clicking on the My Time Off tab on the left side
- Click on the orange Request Time Off tab
- In the display box, select the type of time off that is being requested from the drop-down menu, for example - Vacation
- Select the start and end dates by clicking inside the corresponding field and use the field calendar to fill in the date
- 8 hours will automatically be generated and will exclude weekends, but this can also be manually adjusted (for example, a half day of paid time off can be manually adjusted to 4 hours instead of 8). There is also a check box located above this that allows an employee to request paid time off should they work on weekends.
- Knit will automatically calculate the Total Amount of hours requested off, your Paid Time Off Used to date for the current year, Time Scheduled in total (which reflects your current requested amount, plus any previous time off in this calendar year so far), and Paid Time Off Remaining - what time off you have remaining based on the policy set by your employer.
- Additional Notes about your request can also be added and will be shown to your PTO Manager as well as on your own record in the future.
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- <%= item.name %> <% }); %>