Elimination of Medical Note Requirement for Sickness-Related Leaves Received Royal Assent

On June 4, 2024, the Institute announced the Late Breaking Payroll News regarding the introduction of Bill 68, which eliminates the requirement for medical notes for sickness-related leaves. The Bill received Royal Assent on October 9, 2024, and will come into effect on January 1, 2025. Under the new law, employers will be prohibited from requesting supporting documents, such as a doctor’s note, to justify certain absences for the first three days. These include:  

  • Child Death and Disappearance Leaves  

  • Compassionate Care Leave  

  • Critical Illness Leave  

  • Domestic and Sexual Violence Leave  

  • Organ Donor Leave  

  • Personal Leave  

  • Sick Leave  

Employers should review their policies and update any documented references to medical notes.  

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