The CRA Transition to Online Mail in 2025

Beginning in spring 2025, the Canada Revenue Agency (the CRA) will switch to delivering most business correspondence through its secure online portal, My Business Account, as the default method. This means that most notices and communications from the CRA will be delivered electronically rather than by traditional mail. 

This change affects: 

  • New business number and program account registrations 

  • Existing businesses registered with My Business Account 

  • Businesses with a representative accessing the CRA services through Represent a Client 



Paper mail will continue for businesses not registered with My Business Account or do not have a representative registered via Represent a Client, including non-resident businesses without access to the portal. 


Actions for Employers: 


  • Ensure your email address is current in your My Business Account. 

  • Businesses registering for a new business number or program account must also register for My Business Account to access the business correspondence




Employers can have up to three email addresses on file for each program account, allowing them to include their representative, accountant, or other authorized contacts. Keeping their email address current is crucial to avoid missing important notifications and updates from the CRA. 

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