Bill 44: An Act To Amend The Creditors Relief Act and The Public Service Garnishee Act

On May 31, 2024, Bill 44, An Act to Amend the Creditors Relief Act and the Public Service Garnishee Act received royal assent and is now law.  The bill that amends the Creditors Relief Act and the Public Service Garnishee Act allows the continuing garnishment of wages and salaries and a process for wage garnishments.  

The key legislative changes resulting from the Bill are:  

  1. Creditors no longer need to seek court orders: Amendments to the Nunavut Creditors Relief Actnow allow the ongoing garnishment of wages and salaries.  
  2. A simplified procedure for issuing and managing garnishment orders.  
  3. Compliance with federal and territorial employment standards to protect employees.  

In preparation for the new garnishment requirements, to maintain compliance, and to reduce payroll disruptions, the employer’s next steps are to review existing orders, update any programming in your payroll systems, and educate impacted employees as required. 

The Bill comes into force three months after the day on which it receives royal assent. 

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