The fifth Working for Workers Act – Bill 190

On May 6, 2024, the fifth Working for Workers Act, Bill 190, also known as Working for Workers Five Act, 2024, was introduced and underwent its first reading.  

If enacted, Bill 190 would implement significant changes to the following legislations that may impact payroll: 

  • Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) 

  • Increase in fines for violations of the ESA. 

  • Doctor’s notes for statutory sick leave. 

  • Impose obligations on larger employers concerning their publicly advertised job postings. 

  • Occupational Health and Safety Act 

  • Workplace harassment and workplace sexual harassment will include virtual activities. 

  • Posting of information may be made available in an easily accessible electronic format. 

  • Join health and safety committee meetings can occur in the workplace and remotely. 

The National Payroll Institute will monitor the progress of the legislation and provide updates to its members accordingly. 

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