TD1 Forms for 2023 Published

On December 20, 2022, the Federal government released the 2023 basic personal amounts (BPA) for each jurisdiction.

Province or Territory Basic exemption
Federal $15,000*
Alberta $21,003
British Columbia $11,981
Manitoba $10,855
New Brunswick $12,458
Newfoundland and Labrador $10,382
Northwest Territories $16,593
Nova Scotia $11,481*
Nunavut $17,925
Ontario $11,865
Prince Edward Island $12,000
Quebec $17,183
Saskatchewan $17,661
Yukon $15,000*

*The basic personal amounts for Federal, Nova Scotia and Yukon are unique to each employee’s annual income from all sources.

Note: Due to the unusually late publication from the CRA, employees and retirees may experience a slight difference in their net pay until these changes have been programmed within their payroll systems.

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