New Regulation for Ten Paid Sick Days came into Force on December 1, 2022

Effective December 1, 2022, federally regulated employees are now entitled to ten days of paid sick leave. The federally regulated private sector includes interprovincial air, rail, road, and marine transportation; banks; postal and courier services. Among other things, the new paid sick leave is expected to reduce the number of days workers show up to work ill — minimizing the spread of illness and helping workers recover faster.  


The new paid sick leave provisions provide employees with three days of medical leave with pay after 30 days of continuous employment. Following this period of 30 days, employees earn one additional day at the start of each month after completing one month of continuous employment, up to a maximum of ten days per calendar year.  


Any days of paid sick leave that an employee does not take in a calendar year will carry forward to the next calendar year and each day carried over reduces the number of days that can be earned in that next year by one. 

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